Lexington Books/Fortress Academic is pleased to announce a new series: Horror and Scripture. The series seeks monographs that explore horror, monsters, and the monstrous in early Jewish and Christian scriptures (including canonical and non-canonical texts). Books in the series will be grounded in the discipline of biblical studies, but will exhibit a wide range of methodological diversity, including, for example, film studies, psychoanalytic theory, anthropological approaches, monster theory, and postmodern readings.
Monographs should aim for a target audience of graduate students and scholars. Revised dissertations will only be considered if they are of exceptional quality.
To submit a manuscript to Horror and Scripture, please contact the series editors Brandon Grafius and Kelly Murphy at horrorandscripture@gmail.com. When submitting, please include the following information by email attachment:
- Prospectus, including a brief description of the book, a statement regarding what makes it timely or unique, and an estimation of when it will be finished;
- Outline, including an annotated table of contents with a paragraph describing each chapter;
- Writing Sample, including 1-2 chapters of the book (approximately 15-20 pages); and
- CV, including information on your qualifications for writing this book.
The first books in this series will be published in 2019, though we are also accepting proposals for volumes to appear in subsequent years. For updates and news, please visit https://rowman.com/Action/SERIES/LEX/LFAHAS#.
Below is the pdf of the call if you’d like to download it. Feel free to share.