Ganja & Hess vampire
Posted on April 28, 2020

Bloodlust And Blues Beyond Blacula: Ganja & Hess

Guest Post

Originally financed to capitalize on the success of Blacula in 1973, Bill Gunn’s Ganja & Hess (1973) uses a distributor-mandated focus on vampires as the framework to make an elliptical, arthouse horror that threads together the many faces of the vampire myth (seducer, blasphemer, carrion creature) to make an inward-facing investigation of the perils and pressures of assimilation on Black people in America.

The plot is introduced through a trio of devices that lets us get used to the dreamlike nature of the film’s universe. Text title cards fill in the basic outline, while a gently crooning singer provides additional context. A voice-over completes the trio, speaking of the same events in the present tense, though we have yet to see them happen.

Wealthy anthropologist Dr. Hess Green (Duane Jones) is stabbed three times by his crazed and suicidal research assistant, George Meda (writer/director Bill Gunn). This attack with an ancient ceremonial dagger infects Hess with a disease that grants him both near immortality and a thirst for human blood. Soon after, Hess meets his former assistant’s wife, Ganja (Marlene Clark). Though Ganja is initially concerned about her missing husband, she soon joins Hess as his partner in marriage and vampirism. Read more

Posted on April 23, 2020

We Know How It Ends…and Yet: Alma Katsu’s The Deep

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I read Alma Katsu’s last novel, The Hunger, because it was about the Donner Party’s fate. I knew going in things were going to be bad for the Donners and the families that followed them out west; slow starvation, ill-planning, and death buried in the snow-covered mountains. What I was not expecting was the horror Katsu created in such a constricted narrative. She was magically able to thread superstitious doubt, panic, and fear in a way that made reading the ill-fated journey less of an exercise in schadenfreude and more nail-biting. I am still scared when I think of passages in that book, so my anticipation for her latest novel, The Deep concerning the fates of the RMS Titanic and her sister ship the HMHS Britannic was palpable to say the least.

Both ships go down within four years of each other, and both sank due to the hubris of men enthralled by capitalism and war. While I may not know the history here as well as I did with The Hunger, I know Katsu is up against the challenge of reader expectations. The Deep is a strong novel and though tackling a historical tragedy so profoundly embedded in our cultural memory, it manages to build tension about exactly how the tragedy will unfold. As with The Hunger doubt, terror, and superstition haunt the characters and equalize them across the economic divisions that the Titanic made so clear. In The Deep, Katsu delivers another novel with a refreshing take on a story well-told. Read more

Posted on April 17, 2020

Demons or Ghosts? Hauntings in Connecticut

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During a pandemic, watching horror movies can be therapy.  Supernatural horror tends to have religious themes, but ironically a strange short movie series “based on true events” has swapped fabricated religions for the “actual” entities.

One of the strangest horror movie titles is The Haunting in Connecticut 2: Ghosts of Georgia.  Apart from the fact that Georgia is over 800 air miles from Connecticut, and considering that the two stories are unrelated, some obvious questions arise.  The solution is a little bit of a letdown, admittedly, but still part of a larger and intriguing story connecting horror and religion.  It goes like this:

In 2002 the Discovery Channel was test screening for a series called A Haunting.  The first two cases were A Haunting in Connecticut and A Haunting in Georgia.  Although unrelated (except by title) these two made-for-television movies were aired and then packaged together for purchase in DVD format.  These days they’re more easily found via streaming, but packaging things together implies important portents. Read more

Posted on April 11, 2020

Top 10 Horror Films to Watch on Easter


My most awe inspiring encounters with nefarious rabbits include the first time I laid eyes on the massive black costume of “Bunny” while at a rave with Rabbit in the Moon and the first time that my innocent anticipating eyes consumed the film Watership Down (1978). While both of these are definitively scary (and potentially traumatizing), they do not encompass the spirit of Easter. If your family is anything like mine, nothing spells holidays like some old fashioned repression and subsequent bursts of aggression (or passive aggressiveness in our house).  For all of you who can appreciate laughing at inappropriate times and poking fun at established traditions, then this list is for you!

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Posted on April 10, 2020

Is CATS (2019) a Slasher in Disguise?

Guest Post

When the trailer for Cats (2019) premiered, so many tweets and parodies followed, but the one that stuck in my head was the one calling it a new horror movie. Then the movie actually came out and the audience was distracted by the special effects disaster as it showed in theaters to crowds appreciating it as they did The Room and Rocky Horror Picture Show. Now that it’s available to stream and we are all practicing social distancing, I finally got a chance to enjoy it. And I did enjoy it, because Cats is a straight up horror movie. That trailer was accurate. Again, remember I am talking about the film. ( I can’t speak to the stage production.) I understand that the addition of some plot was needed in order to bring Cats from stage to the big screen. Well, that plot is textbook slasher film,  my friends.

Understand that I am jumping into the Cats canon blind. Instead, it feels like I am five Friday the 13ths in here. Yes, I understand they are cats and that each cat has something special about it. Some cats are more special than others. There is singing and dancing, which was very enjoyable. A bad cat appears, a problem is presented and solved. The choice is made and the movie ends. Read more

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